Thursday 20 August 2015

Sunny memories of chilly Hobart

The weather is seriously fabulous -I am so lucky as it has been snowing here very recently. The sun is warm and I decide to have my second coffee and a rocky-road at the City Mission nearby. Hobart being a city on welfare boasts many of these charity shop with volunteers working and always smiling.

My two days with Rebecca and David have been perfect and David kindly invites me to join them at Fullers Bookstore Café for lunch but I must decline as I am seeing Mary whose home David tells me is just close enough for him to take me there later! I am being totally spoiled.

I hear news of the sad demise of their neighbour's son recently, throwing himself off the big Derwent Bridge to his eventual death, the result of serious workplace bullying..David says there are five such deaths a week but it is hard to believe in this small population. However I do know of the depth of serious mental illness in this forsaken but beautiful island. You could even call it the the Isle of Death, but with Homyra here now, it is the Isle of Life, for her anyway. I dare not read the local papers as D and R warn me of dire results. The politicians may have changed colour from Green to Red but they are as inherently self-interested and stupid as they always are down here. The Minister of Youth Care or some such has been indicted for lack of duty or care and refuses to resign and the youth suicide rate is escalating as they are doing nothing about it. No doubt my ex-friend P has her head buried in psychoses as well, but is she surviving? I fear not without severe harm. This mental disturbance wagon is just too big and will overflow one day. It is indeed a sorry place and I see now clearly my reasons were valid for leaving two big and fruitful years ago.
Thank goodness for Wellington!

A keyhole look towards the bedroom...

in Rebecca and David's place

Growling Lilla...

City Mission coffee shop

Where most Tasmanians originated...

The absolute injustice of the invasion...where the native born Aborigines have never been recognised, nor given back the land that was rightfully theirs.
Tasmania is a sorry and regrettable case of wrong laws and endemic lying.

David with the best view!

With Sabine and Tracy at Tascahrd

Mary with my gift of The Tango Dancers

I had a lovely meet-up with Mary at her beautiful home on Sandy Bay hill, David dropped me and after we met again at Fullers with Rebecca for a final chat..

My big catch-up with Ross at Tascahrd showed me the transformation achieved by good direction. It is now working well after being a basket case like most of Hobart is. German Sabine and assistant Tracy run it like a machine.

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