Tuesday 11 August 2015

Singapore arrival

A long eleven hour flight so a few movies helped pass the time. Two documentaries after a frothy French comedy were worth looking at. An excellent documentary on the fabulous life and career of the super talented, say genius, of Orson Welles who after a stellar career of writing, directing and acting died at the all too young age of seventy. The other was equally as good, The Champs, an award winning doco on the lives of three world champion boxers, heavyweights Mike Tyson, Evander Holyoake and another, showed how relentless and cruel the prizefighting world is. They make hundreds of millions and lose even more ending up bankrupt or sometimes in prison.
Sad statistics are that the US which makes up 5% of the world's population has 25% of the prison population, and 75% are recidivists after three months. Boxing is one of the most sure ways of escaping this awful system.

And then I saw the film of the stage version ofBilly Elliott....a brilliant  production. 
Had not much sleep on this leg as my neighbours were a couple of lively toddlers and didn't get a rest tilll very late, but didn't feel bad at the end.

Stopover of one hour only at Singapore where the facilities for fatigue recovery were amazing.

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