Sunday 9 August 2015

Sunday - last day

Last night was a great social evening of brotherhood and music. Called a dessert dance, we all went, several hundred I think, to the convention centre ballroom and were entertained by the wonderful Larry Siegel and a few ECK musician supporters in what turned out to be an evening of top retro-dance numbers where everyone got up to dance. With my sandals I wasn't quite prepared for it but we all enjoyed it anyway. There was also a raffle where I, unbelieveably, won not one, but two prizes. I chose the ECK dream diary and the ECK calendar. The diary, which I was able to pass on to my roomate Graham, and in Hobart, the calendar, for my dear friend in ECK Homyra.

Sunday morning...
After more excellent talks and entertainment (in photos) the program closed this morning, with Jassie Kurr in another beautiful sari, giving her parting talk. 'Attitude is Gratitude', she left us with, and everyone was on a high.

Willi and Robert were to have lunch so I joined them at a nice restaurant by the canal for a seafood risotto which was very nice and tasty indeed. They immediately were off to London for the rest of the week so I repaired to finish my visit to the Birmingham Museum, where I caught up for arvo tea in the lovely Edwardian Tearooms with Graham.

Then back to the Britannia to pack and have an early night for a quick start tomorrow at 5am.
But not before ringing Chartreuse, Meg and Anna, my three generous friends, to say goodbye. It has been an excellent two weeks of fun and spiritual stimulation.
Baraka Bashad!

I will never walk alone...

The Amazing HU..where we all sang along.

The European RESAS

Coming together with all the kids....

Jassie talking spiritual sense

A goodbye clip from Sri Harold in 1997

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