Tuesday 25 August 2015

Leaving Tassie

Today was a serious coincidence..or was it just the ECK working the daily miracles in my life. After a nice long chat and computer update with Michael we arrange to meet later for lunch at the Green Café in Newtown, a favourite of his and one I also knew well. But first he had a haircut appointment with Jade, and I was to visit the new Art Gallery at Moonah, and perhaps see some Moonah people I knew.
On arrival on the main road I peeked in at The Professionals, my Real Estate agent of yore, and immediately caught sight of Bernie the boss who always a friendly element. He waved andd then I saw he was with Anthony, the reason I was in Moonah in the first place. Anthony, my good friend and ex neighbour was in the office doing some business, so we decided immediately to have a coffee at the local Magnolia Café and catch up on all the news of the last two years.

Well he was full of good news and I was so happy for his progress since I left him in the throes of settling a Will dispute with one of his sisters. He has since let go, got his small inheritance, just theright  amount for him to feel secure, and he is now smiling and drug free. This was always his problem, as all his early friends in Hobart were inveterate drug users, also smokers, and now he has quit all,and proudly showed me his nicotine patch. He has tried several times to quit when I knew him. But I believe now he has really done it, and I was so happy for him.

He insisted on dropping me at the cafe to meet Michael and we did a charming selfie which is here below. This really consummated my trip to Hobart as I was a little apprehensive as to his well being. Why should I have doubted? The ECK has it all under control.

A good selfie with Anthony

The new Moonah Arts centre..Mt Wellington at back.

Lunch with Michaelat Newtown 

 After a lovely lunch with Michael at the Green Café, I went to the designated bus stop and was early, one hour early to be exact, so I took the time relax in the warm afternoon sun. The very full bus arrived on time to take me to Hobart airport, the driver super-polite and courteous.

On arrival at the airport I rushed, against my better nature, to secure my seat, and discovered I had left my very warm gloves somewhere. They weren't in the bus which I checked, so I decided that it was time they stayed in Hobart as that is where they were given to me in the first place. That done, I pass through  security  and wait for the Jetstar to take me back to Sydney when the bus 400 is waiting for me to get me back even earlier than expected to my brother's home in Matraville.  A successful trip is over and I have done all that I set out to do, and more, with the help of the ECK.
I don't see myself ever returning permanently to this gorgoeus green but dysfunctional isle, but I now have lovely memories there, and people who were happily affected by my three year sojourn. 
Baraka Bashad.

Now in Sydney for the last chapter of my five weeks holiday, I have several  emails to write and preparations to be made for my return to wonderful Wellie next Sunday. All will be well.

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