Monday 10 August 2015

Goodbye UK Guten Tag München!

After a great wakeup in Britannia Hotel, just before my alarm went off, I quickly shaved and prepared for the long trip home. I had everything done the night before,or so I thoughr, and when I said goodbye to Graham I thought all was good. Left early at five am dropping keycard in slot, and was at New Station in five minutes flat. DeliFrance beckoned with a good hot coffee and croissant and when I descended to Station 2B the doors of the stationary train miraculously opened for me to my reserved seat 6A.

Eveything seemed perfect, or was it? I decided to check my iPhone charger and saw immediately that I had left the recharger in the wall socket in the hotel. Not a good feeling as this recharger is all important for the phone and to my life. But, breathing deeply, I texted Graham who was still there in bed, and politely asked if he could find it and take it back to Oz , then post it to me in Sydney. Immediately I received a lovely reply A-OK from Graham, he will dothat favour for me. I felt a bit stupid as everything had gone perfectly well but nothing is always 100% and I knew I could buy a another cable in Sydney, or Singapore, or even Mancherster aiport, which is exactly what happened . 
I found a generic one for ten pounds, exactly the money I had left in my Master Card. So I can now recharge on the plane and no pressure to wait for the slow post in Sydney.

Waiting to board and at very efficient Manchester Airport. I even got through to here without showing my Passport as I did online check-in and got again miraculously a window seat.

Goods news for Ugandan gays...

Serious cyberspaceat Munich stopover

Smart napcabs for the tired travellerat Munich Airport

Well I had the seat from hell so far, a young mother with two spoiled kids, at two year old and a four year old, both totally spoiled and loudly screaming when they didn't get their way. I try to be aware that is is difficult for the parents, but I am hoping they disembark here at Munich, however I doubt it. It may be for the long haul.

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