Sunday 16 August 2015

Monday preps..

Sunny day today and am off to Bondi Junction to have lunch with my old friend and ex-French student, Susie. She has just finalised a house sale in Manly so is excited and also has had a job interview so she will be full of news. Also my plan is to get my new driver's licence at Bondi although it is not due till October. Hope I can do that.

This morning I had a quiet time so I made final preps for Tassie with bus bookings and texts to see people I may have otherwise missed. All is now under control and I have as well booked my mobile-app. boarding pass for tomorrow's flight with Jetstar. Thank you to the new technology!
Great coffee at Maroubra Jn.

Courtyard at Billy's.

With a cake in the sun!

Finally caught up with Susie D at a Paddo café to hear all her news and it is all good, so that was a pleasant encounter. Visit to Drivers' Rego not so good as I need solid proof of residence here to renew my licence. I will try now to do the same in Hobart where my old licence is registered, it may be different there, Tassie always has its own rules!

Home to visit Gail at Malabar who is in good recovery from her hip replacement and her daughter is waiting anxiously for the arrival of her fourth child, a daughter. Her term is up today so we'll hear the news soon. We all agreed that it would be a return for Monnie to give more joy to the world. Rachel believes in reincarnation so it  was not a big ask and Gail loved her mother to the death and will soon have her again to care for as baby. Such is the beauty of our Eckanar faith and teachings, everything is explained and all is in the right place at the right time.

The spiritual exercises of ECK make everything seem understandable and reasonable, however silly it may appear on the surface.

Am now packed and ready for departure to the airport for the next stage in Hobart!

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