Tuesday 25 August 2015

Oatlands memories..

Launceston, or Lonnie, as the locals call it, is now gone. My good host Peter dropped me at the busstation  for the ten o'clock bus to Oatlands where I am to catch up with Scottish Country Dancing friends David and Robert. It is a beautiful winters day, with a bit of Spring in the air, so I decide to go to TKO café to look at the local paper before visiting my friends.

TKO - a museum dedicated to Errol Flynn..

Me with Errol, a Tasmanian born legend

Coffee so-so at TKO...which is The Kentish Oven

Tassie a serious flying risk from Dick Smith

..Ice epidemic down here too!

My team draws with the Cats, yay!!

The boys are as ever, the same, no change is good perhaps. I spend a short time there saying hulloto their lovely animals, of whom one has severely hurt her leg, and Bella the beautiful spaniel is not well it seems. I wonder if they reflect the boys' state of mind. I leave to catch my bus to Hobart after deciding, rather unwisely it turns out, to buy a pie at the TKO café. The bus trip gives me stomach pains which in time develop into severe nausea and on arrival I rush to the toilet to be sick. The pie was definitely 'off'. I am about to meet friends Michael at the Hope and Anchor for dinner, I wonder what I can eat?

But before that I manage to fit in a short RV with singer friend Deb Wace who is about to record a protest song to save the Tarkine. She kindly gives me an early rendtion and it is marvellous. We take a selfie and I wander down to the pub for a strange dinner with six new people, or three anyway!
Robert, David and Bella..

The poisoned TKO

Lee at the Hope and Anchorarguably Australia's oldest pub

The bar...

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