Wednesday 15 July 2015

A funeral...

Facebook has informed me of a funeral today, of someone I don't know but I do know the person who is bereaved. So perhaps that is a good enough reason to attend this one-off event, to show my support for Jac who I know will be most upset to have lost her beloved sister.

So at 11.30am  I am off to a church in Pirie street to attend the funeral. In the meantime a coffee at Memphis gets me going, away from the somewhat depressed feeling at home with K seeming to have dug in to not being seen. When S arrives home hopefully it will put a different slant on things.
Dan Carter...The Man

Memphis line-up

Always busy at ten am

Eventually after going to the wrong church (it was only five minutes further away) I arrived at the Catholic St Joseph's and the church was overflowing. Jac's sister Kate Lynch who had passed on at a relatively young age, leaving teenage daughters, was obviously a community person and the stories and tears were abundant. The coffin, I noticed was the eco-variety, plywood with some art work painted on it, a popular specialty to avoid the ridiculous costs of Kauri wooden coffins. All the good and great, especially of the Irish variety, were present but as Jac was the only person I knew I escaped soon after the service ended. Jac had made plans for an ongoing wake at the Hops Garden Bar down the road, so I popped in for a look on my way home. It was very nice, with a suitably Irish bartender, but I thought I'd give this one a miss, not being of the drinking sort.

Home to finish preps for my trip, especially the currency transfer to my travel Master Card.
And tonight is my night for swimming. Such is the domesticity of Wellington that I bumped into two friends on my short walk to the bus stop. Is it too small for me I wonder? We'll see, I am giving it at least another year.

Gathering at St Joseph's after the Service was over

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