Sunday 26 July 2015

Bondi Beach

Last night a good sleep made all the difference and I awoke to a nice hot oats porridge prepared by ever attentive brother at Malabar. Yesteday I also visited Gail and Frank around the corner and had a big catch-up before I see Monnie in Hobart in a few weeks times. All is well with Gail, Monnie's eldest, and Rachel is heavily pregnant with her four baby with new partner, a Maori am this time, so the blood mix will be interesting.
At the traditional Lamrock Cafe on Bondi Beach

Sunny and crowded

...everyone is enjoying the sunny winter's day

I have come to Bondi to hear my bro play the ukulele and sing with his mates, something which he does regularly now and he is totally addicted to it. He doesn't realise the high he gets from singing and entertaining others. It has certainly been the best thing to have happened to him since the sad death of his wife seven years ago. 

So I am vaguely looking for his group but not till noon, so have sat down at a gracious invitation from 'Nonna' to have a coffee and raisin toast at her family's corner cafe. This is quintessentially the family   concern, all showing remarkable facial similarities and I would say it is first generation Aussies from Lebanese or Jewish stock. They are doing great business filling quickly all the chairs and serving a great variety of popular breakfasts from pancakes to fried eggs with the lot. The coffee was excellent.

Here the blended family....parents and in-laws, gay daughter with partner and all very happily together in Bondi sun. Bondi is really fulfilling its potential on this warm winter's day with many in the surf enjoying its benefits.

The Big Band at Ravesi's

Back of bro, third from right!

Enjoying Bondi winter sun..

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