Sunday 5 July 2015

Monday morning, new week..

Early at empty Memphis I come for a coffee with Tom who has an important tooth problem at the dentist. We exchange stories, as always, and he gives me some of his salty Kiwi wisdom about my state of change at home.

The final result with housemate K is that he is going. It is not tenable after his emails for him to stay and he wanted to leave to a cheaper place to save money he says. I am happy for him to go but have told him to wait till my return from UK in early September as I will have two room to find tenants for then.

 It has been a salutary experience for me, and hopefully for him too, as he has behaved badly but in the light of his early childhood stories, I see where the original problems came from.
My lesson is not to get involved in any of their personal lives in the future. It is something which I find hard to do as I feel very fatherly toward these young people struggling to make their lives in a foreign country, but I have to leave them to make their own mistakes along the way.

Today I will draw up a new contract effective until end of August for him to agree with and this will be the end of the story I hope.

Last night was a good return to dancing with a big turn-up and everyone feeling very happy. It is a good way to finish the week and start the new one.
Tonight at Tiwhanawhana will be another time to prepare for the Noho in two weeks at Plimmerton.

Memphis unusually empty

Highlanders suitably celebrating..

Greece say NO to Euro

This is big news for the return of drachma will mean a poor but independent Greece leading the posssible exit train for the Eurozone. Not a pretty picture but one which the Greeks will be the first to recover from. 
Who will go next is the big question? Could be Spain or Italy, but as Tom says Italy is always a basket case anyway so it won't be them.

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