Friday 31 July 2015

Brighton - Hove

A quick train from Richmond to Clapham Junction where I had a short wait for the very crowded direct line to Brighton. It is Friday arvo after all, and school holidays, so I felt I was lucky to even get a seat.
Not much more than an hour down to the lovely historic Brighton, quite the gayest city in the UK I hear, and I did see a few Rainbow flags fluttering in the breeze on my arrival.

A short walk down the hill to the beachside where quite a few die-hards were sunning themselves, but very few in the water..the pebbly beach was not so attractive to this spoiled Aussie, so I sat on high at the edge of  the overlooking terrace and breathed in the air from the English Channel, or La Manche, as the French call it, meaning The Sleeve.

The afternoon is warm and sunny so I take off my London sweater and bask for an hour before I repair to my BnB where Lesley my host will be there to welcome me around 4 pm she has told me. Whether  Chartreuse also will welcome me is not at all sure, she may even he in hospital from her last email.
She sounded in bad form so I may be doing a visitation to the sick! So be it, I am still happy to be here and know what is happening to this lost woman who I know is trying so hard to find out why she is here.  I wonder if she will in this lifetime?

The refreshments of choice here are chips, more chips, and soft ice cream, none of which I dare to try so I am more than happy I had already eaten some Lebanese food  at Richmond before I left. No temptation here for me. Perhaps later I'll try something. Having told Chartreuse I will ring her at four we'll just play it by ear.

Tomorrow at Bicester is all arranged as Meg rang this morning, I just need to find a nice box of chockies to take up to Piddington for tomorrow. All is well and the warm sun is nourishing my  body. Brighton is a nice place to be in summer, even if it ain't a real summer!
Sunbathers at Brighton

..the sunnies are out....

It's time for ice cream....

...or lots of chippies

More strolling sees more rainbow flags, very gay. After contacting Chartreuse who is croaky, but willing to see me at 6.30 I make my way towards Lesley's which is not far away.  She is a lovely girl and we get on well, especially after I say clearly I am a gay man and she says immediately 'Ooh, you're here for Gay Pride weekend!'  Oops, I didn't know! 
Where will I go tonight?

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