Friday 31 July 2015

En route to Brighton

Sunny day in Richmond and am having lesiurely coffee with Anna before my train to Brighton later in the morning. The few days here have been lovely. Last night we had drinks with Byron and Kim and Kim's Mum. They were visiting from Toronto Canada and we all chatted over a few glases of red wine. Emma, the Mum, was German, but spoke North American English sans accent, and she was quite an  exceptional 83 y.o., constantly on the go and a vitality of a fifty year old.

Flower pot in garden

Paining of Aussie flowers by Marianne North

My 'crushed' coffee cup!

Anna expostulating....and not wanting to be photographed!

Anna's vacant seat in the salon

We are planning to make the train trip as simple as possible as tomorrow is Saturday and the weekend crowds will fill the trains.

Lebanese cafe for quick nourishment before trip

The London-Richmond scene...

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