Sunday 12 July 2015

Monday countdown

There must be little news in town when this cold case emerges, resurrected yet again. Poor Kaye Stewart who disappeared ten years ago in the Rimutaka Park Forest has never been put to rest. It is phenomenonal that no-one has come up with any evidence of what happened, and the police have been accused of malfeasance in the case as well. Her family rightfully feels dissatisfied with the way the case has gone, but one wonders when it will be put to bed, if ever. So it is the ten year anniversary of her disappearance.
One man questioned, no results...

Opposite the loud chatterers......having a work meeting!

Today is exactly two weeks before I am on the plane to Manchester UK. It will be a rushed trip, fitting everything into two weeks and then a two week recovery in OZ  before back to Wellie on August 31. I still have a few things to do in, currency, buy Meg's book etc. However the trip is well planned and quite organised. All will be well. 

Was Lee Harper correct about Atticus Finch,was he really racist in protecting the black man? Methinks he may have been deep down, as all we whites are inherently racist and have to work hard to rise above it.

Marilyn Waring was a great Social Activist....ask her, she would know.

Kathmandu with French supremo will make even more money...

...big news, the Poms beat the Aussies, NZ is delighted!

Memories of first Wellington visit, Mr Bun's big chairs..
But not so good coffee. They do have an excellent men's room however, which is quite a plus. I find in Wellington the level of excellence in 'the conveniences' is very high indeed, perhaps it's a Kiwi thing.

Today the sky is blue and the sun is shining, but I have heard from Sonny in Kashmir that he is not well and has delayed his departure until Friday. He was due today. Said he suffering from fatigue, family fatigue probably!  There will just be the two Boyz at home for a few weeks while Fir and I are away, am hoping they will not play up too much but I think all will be OK especially after my recent talk to K. He is becoming more aware of the home situation now, and Sonny will be so happy to be back to Wellie, he will be very good, cooking and caring for himself again, and perhaps even Koroi!

Fir's 40th birthday next Saturday and she will be 'en famille' - there are twelve of her family arriving in Auckland on Thursday, travelling around New Zealand for three or four weeks. They are coming from Boston, Mum and Dad and brother, and Scotland, her twin sister and her two kids. It seems there are six others coming too so it is quite a way to celebrate the twins' fortieth birtday. I know Fir is trying to persuade her sister that NZ is the country to live in, so it is a very important visit for everyone. I wish her the best of luck.

When they finish the holiday I hope Fir will be moving on to a new town and a new job, but she is hoping the Antarctic is beckoning. We are both optimistic about that job which she would love to have and also be marvellous at doing, cooking for nine months for a team of scientists at the South Pole - what a great experience!

Tomorrow is Bastille Day and I unfortunately had to refuse the French group's invitation to a dinner from Jennifer as I am already booked with Paul H. and can't, and don't wish to cancel.

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