Thursday 30 July 2015

Sunny in Richmond

Today although still fresh, the sun is shining and I'm still glad I brought my warm sweater from OZ as this is no summer weather for me, more like cool Springtime.
Anna's back yard...

Still smiling...although I have had some sad news from Oz, Tassie to be precise, my good friend Monnie  has had a serious stroke and is in hospital. I have written to her grand-daughter and I am hoping she will recover for my imminent trip in August to see her. Her time is coming nearer I know that one, and she may well wait till I arrive in Hobart.

Also strangely, Chartreuse, my Brighton friend, has emailed me with information she too is in Accident - Emergency and may not be available for Friday dinner. I tell her 'No worries', I am coming to see her, not to have dinner. I think she may well recover by Friday night although she is such a drama queen and maybe just a tad hypochondriac.

For today it is written a visit to Kew Gardens, but as always with dear friend Anna, she may decide to do something else at the last moment as she too is as changeable as the wind. And they say Geminis are fickle!  I'll just go with the flow, although a look at the fabled gardens would be a delight on this sunny cool day.

Tom has just come to join me...on the bench.

It is doubtless the year of Transgender

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