Friday 3 July 2015

Saturday at Newtown

have decided to have a coffee and slice of beetroot cumin tart, sounds good, at the Cafe Baobab.
It's cloudy and grey and I am recovering from a turbulent Friday where I feel I may have suffered emotional blackmail from my housemate who is how reinstated and paying me much less rent for the duration of his stay. 
Claiming impecunity and hardship with family, I gave in and when he apologised profusely for calling me an awful racist, I accepted his apology and gave in. I am really a softy, so I'll now wait and see what the future brings. I really don't know if he is trustworthy or not as he is very double sided and may be just a sophisticated game player. If so he does it very well.

However it is Rugby Finals day and I will go to the pub tonight to have a look the madness that goes with Rugby in New Zealand.  This afternoon it is time to see the Kapahaka at the Te Papa Museum which also should be interesting. Maori culture performed in great enthusiastic masses of singing and dancing and using the poi will be very entertaining.

Cafe Baobab

Saturday shopping on scooter

Hurricanes champ Beauden Barrettfilm star or what?

Ian McKellan as Holmes.....this is one movie I am waiting to see very soon.

As I missed the Kapa Haka at Te Marae (finished at four-thirty when I arrived, so I went to the amazing Gallipoli exhibition instead) I caught a movie at The Paramount. Spanish, won some gongs, looked good, called 'Marshlands'.
Oops, I should have done more research. It was beautifully shot in the seventies era, when I lived in Spain as well, but it was a murder celebration and was hard to sit through. Even murder and rape of  young girls which was worse!!

Now to get it out of my head with a good read of Simon Raven and tomorrow the Kapa Haka!
Btw, I caught the end of the footy finals, and sadly the Hurricanes (Wellington) lost badly, so sad.

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