Thursday 23 July 2015

Last Friday before UK

Arrived at Memphis as always, but today Johnny says my coffee is on him as a bon voyage gift... nice guy that! As Paul is coming too at least I can buy his coffee.. 

All is ready for tomorrow's very early start, I just have to drop the car near Tom's at Newtown and get home to try for some sleep before the Shuttle picks me up at 4.40 am.

Good news for Sonny as his luggage eventually arrived and he presented me with a Ravi Shenkar style CD of Flute Playing, a nice thought and is some beautiful meditative music.

Koroi up early to do his washing and I said goodbye to him too. I will email them all from the airport when I have two hours to fill in tomorrow morning. Malcolm sending me a Link on Child Abuse was very timely, so I will forward that to K. as no doubt he will discover something there. Who knows what the future holds in this house for him, he just needs to work through some stuff deep down.

Big news about cover-up in top political circles in UKKiwi Justice Lowell Goddard in charge and will no doubt be the best person for this incredibly difficult job of unravelling paedophilia at the hightest echelon in the UK, and good luck to her.

The famous Carmen Rupe, re-created for Wellington's 150th celebrations, this actor looks a lot like Camen did! She was a great Wellington Maori transgender personality lost to the Sydney Scene, but passed away last year.
A shot of Memphis a while agonow on the cafe wall.

Muhammad Ali came to Lower Huttand loved it!

Bureaucratic dithering at the heart and soul of so many problems of roadworks, amongst others.

But Kiwi craft beers winning accolades

Just delivered the carand cannot relax so am catching this Russell Brand doco by Michael Winterbottom. It should be relevant to the UK I am about to visit.
It is touted as 'a polemical documentary about the financial crisis'. 

It just might be a lesson for me in modern economics, something which I have never really been at all knowledgeable about or really interested in, but it does affect us all. It veers from London City to NYC and doesn't pull any punches it seems.
Well it certainly showed the crookedness of high finance, the banks, and tax evasion, all together creating a totally unequal society of the rich and the poor, reminding us of the feudal times of many centuries ago. Are we reverting to this ancient and very wrong past?

Stopped for a breather on wayhome along glorious Oriental Parade, tonight even better by half-moon light, with my beard just taking shape.

The lit trees...
....the red fountain spraying proudly in the bay

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