Tuesday 14 July 2015

Post July 14 Bastille Day

Last night instead of meeting with The French Group I had a RV for a filet migon with PH at his Island Bay home. It was indeed delicious but for a near vegetarian it was a quite a leap. I know that ideally I should be even eating a raw/vegan diet, but it is too tough when you are alone. My beef soup went down well with K last night, when I returned to a near-empty tureem and a thank you note pinned to it. Such is the lot of the House Mother! Lol!

Am sure my French friends had a lovely time singing the Marseillaise last night and really I missed it as it is something I always do, celebrate the fall of Bastille with the French. Ah well,  next year!

Wellie Station, still great architecture 

Greece biting the veritable bullet,,

What's the future, more austerity? The future in Greece looks worse and worse as Angela Merkel has flexed the German muscle to keep them in the Eurozone  but at such a price it is not worth it. The people in the know say Greece should exit and go with the Drachma and show the lead to an ugly and unfair Euro-bank dominated Europe. Frankly, the Euro has not worked for everyone and is now posing too many problems to continue. Britain of course has wisely stayed separate with their revered English pound, as have many Scandinavian countries who are doing very well,  thank you!

I prefer raw milk too..have just found the providore and I like it a lot.

Packer hiding behind Abbott..more dirt with the   Aussie Abbott government. Don't like it at all!

Aussies not good sportsmen....am afraid it is true.

Opposite MemphisHappy Pants!

And...I caught a fabulous lunchtime concert at St Andrews on the Terrace. 

Students from the NZ School of Music -Te Kōkī- performed some wonderful operatic moments and the finale by Rebecca Howie of  'Mister Snow' from Carousel by Richard Rodgers was spectacular. I only wish I had recorded it on my i-Phone and posted it on Facebook, it may have gone viral. She was gorgeous to look at and presented  the song perfectly.

 But all the others were excellent as well, both boys and girls. 
Wellington has a good stock of young classical singers waiting in the wings. A great midday concert, how lucky was I!
Below the program....
The programme of today's concert

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