Sunday 19 July 2015

Monday at Memphis

Kiwi passports are bringing $10,000 on the black market so this boy has suffered a lot with identity theft...another warning for travellers to look after their identity.

Am in Memphis after very busy weekend. Ballroom dancing last night was the last for five weeks and I am going to miss that exercise a lot. Such is winter-away I suppose, the Kiwis do it all the time. Got a message from Y to meet for a coffee at Memphis this morning so am here early, as always and waiting with interest, for his arrival. Tom may come too as I have his Patricia Grace book to return. We'll see what happens.

Dancing with the Stars finally over....

Comic fest at Wellington a great success

Beauden BarrettAll Black star

Simon Hodges moustache wins the CrossCountry

Meeting with Y went well as I thought, Tom's presence was also a good lightener. We hugged and said good bye, probably the friendship will last but no more than that, which is absolutely fine, as I originally said, 'ché sera, sera'.

Home to prepare for Ti whanawhana and to discover my front right tyre is flat, yet again. Something is funny there. I ring AA and mechanic Tony gets lost on the way but blows it up saying it will need attention like it did last time. Tomorrow I will take it to to Tony's Tyre Service on Kent Terrace to discover the problem. Hopefully not too expensive!

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