Wednesday 22 July 2015

Second last day..

Am topping and tailing today as I want all to be ready for tomorrow, I have a seven o'clock flight on Saturday, meaning a four a.m. wake-up call and shuttle to the airport two hours early. Such is the care ot the Kiwi bus service, early is better, you just have to accept it although it means a good two hours at Wellngton Airport waiting for the boarding call. Luckily I will have two good nights sleep in Sydney to recover before Monday's flight to Manchester arriving Tuesday morning. 

Am getting quietly excited as everything is in order. Am also hoping the boys at home will take care of the house. They will in their own way but neither of them is a housekeeper, although K does do the washing up quite well. Sonny is still experiencing big problems with Qantas not delivering his lost luggage and he is getting a bit upset about them - another reason for only having cabin luggage. I have already packed and it seems all under control, as I have to allow for a week in cold Tassie before I get back to the first day of Spring in September. However this could be a cold month too, who can predict the weather these days? Impossible.

Sports medicine doctor showing the way she is typical of high achieving and amazing Kiwis

Breakfast for the workers......Gideon and Lee

An item doing the crossword together

Barbering is a big little business in Wellie, where everyone is physically tuned in..

Ruby says keep it quiet, but not the Kiwis

Am having P. over today for a cup of soup and possibly Fir will be there en famille, but who knows? ...she has a $200 fine on her car which will spoil her return somewhat. Now all I need to do is write a very good and important email to the housemates for their five weeks alone, and also book the Shuttle for Saturday.

 The Memphis is up and running as always and playing Lou Reed's 'Satellite of Love' - my generation of pop music.

The Pope laying it on the lineinviting sixty Lord Mayors to the Vatican to prepare for the Paris Climate Change summit. He is doing a great job using his status to help improve the world. He is doubtless the best Pope we have had.

Royals always in the NZ news....

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