Thursday 2 July 2015

Two emails...

Last night I received two vastly different emails from two people in my life. One, whom I thought was on the way out of my life, and one who was securely in, but who has now decided he is out. What can you say? Life is weird. Both however have to be looked at in their own way and my replies were appropriate I hope. 

Interestingly one of the emails was the direct result I believe, of a rash and somewhat patronising email I now think, I had sent him earlier, thinking I was doing 'a good deed'. It was about advice of economic uses of energy. 
However it brought to the surface something which may have been simmering there for quite a while and now the boil has burst. My remedy will cost me, but not irretrievably. My Islander housemate has hit hard times with the Kiwi dollar being down, and he sends the majority of his pay home so it loses in translation. He now can't afford to live in the Tiger Room he says, but of course he will pay as much anywhere else. I will reduce his rent to help him and we will possibly have a talk about budgeting tomorrow, which I think he has no idea about. His family is getting all his hard earned wage while he works here, but of course they are so separated in the Solomons they have no idea of the rigours and expenses of life in Wellington. 
We'll see what eventuates when we have a round-table in the morning I hope. I also hope he realises he can organise his life better, but it is a challenge for me to move between roles of father/ house-mate/ landlord. But that's life, challenges.

Like the mess in Greece, back to the drachma!

-all good in Memphis however

More killings in Kiwiland

But an old trooper still standing...

A bad rap for dentists and HIV in Aussie

The other email was an unexpected, short but succinct word from Y, whom I had thought was going to be far away in thoughts from me at this time. But no, he wants to remain friends and I realise that is the way I will have to go. But it is too soon after this rupture to see him and even talk about things like that.
 I replied with such sentiments, saying that we could remain friends but the ball was now in his court. Perhaps until after my return from UK and OZ in August. Again, we'll see what happens...interesting times.

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