Saturday 18 July 2015

Hongoeka Marae

Arrived at Plimmerton for the overnight Waiata Noho at the Hongoeka Marae. Interestingly, it turns out to be the home, the whanau, of Patricia Grace, the writer I am reading at present.
Practising the poi

Talking about the Hongeoka Marae by one of the whanau who lives nearby..a very interesting korero.

Amazing Maori artwork

So many marvellous po's

About eighteen of the Ti Whanawhana came for a day and night of singing and fun, learning more waiata and the poi. We even put on a fashion show in the evening compered by LaQuisha Redfern, a Drag extraordinaire who did a great job.

The weather, with snow forecast at 300 metres, was indeed dirty. Very cold and very wet but we created a warmth which denied the weather's strength although I did regret leaving  my raincoat in the car and was too lazy to retrieve it. As always food was excessive as it was necessary to curb an appetite brought on by the cold. It was a great visit again to a very beautifully decorated Marae, with as always, a fascinating history.

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