Monday 20 July 2015

Four days to go...

With the car at Tony the Tyre man's in Kent Terrace I am having coffee and pain-au-chocolat at Memphis, getting texts from Norma in Waiheke telling me her friend Ray has just died, from complications from cosmetic surgery it seems. 

I know Ray, he was a 'pretty boy' and he would never have wanted to make old bones, but at 62 he still had a few years in him, so it was a shock. He was one of retired millionnaire James Fairfax's toy-boys, travelling around the world willy nilly and being good company for a very rich old Queen. Well that's the end of that.

Here they have drugs on the net now...naturally!

But people still beat their kids....

Not Mother Aubert, soon to be a Saint!

And these two Footy saints...

Cuba, now lost to the old world, is aligning with the more tours to look at a society in a time-warp.

Gina Reinhardt, Australia's richest woman, just lost $20 billion in capital, hard to comprehend. She says Australia could become the next Greece having $955 billion in foreign debt. I just don't understand world finances, as Australia is such a wealthy country but is it going in the wrong direction resources-wise? It seems like that, especially under the directives of Tony Abbott who has his head well and truly buried in the sand of his childhood. Talk about a time-warp, you need go no further!

New Zealand continues to be a safe haven for many people and it is certainly a safe and secure place to live, that is, if you don't count the earth-quakes or the gale force wonds which frequent this beautiful city of Wellington. 

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