Monday 6 July 2015


This is the new term invented for this historic exit of Greece from the European Common Market.
The No's won the referendum with a majority of young voters coming out  to be brave in the face of more austerity cuts.

There is of course a ripple effect onto the rest of the world, with even the Kiwi dollar going down.
But it is a kesson to all the powerful banks, that there is another way which the Greeks have finally chosen. It will be rough, but they will survive and possiblly return to the drachma, their former currency.
Greece will become the favourite cheap holiday spot it was in the sixties, and the world will crowd there to help it, and themselves, I am sure.

In the meantime, China is experiencing difficulties and its economy might be not as healthy as one had thought. The world is certainly going through big changes, and it will be fascinating to see it from the UK's pov when in three weeks I am in London and Birmingham.
They want to take back control from the banks..sentiments echoed by this young bride, who is only saying 'yes' to her new husband.

The sea with all its richness..

This sea sponge has been found be very effective in treatment of cancer with little or no side effects. I have always said the future of modern health lies in the past, where natural remedies and cures were the only things people had. The emergence of modern scientific medicine has been amazing in its many facets, but now the reliance on anti-biotics and even more chemotherapeutic drugs, is leading to a total dependence on drugs for many people to survive.

I for one, want no drugs in my life but am dependent on two per day to stay virus free.  What can I say, I had to compromise...
But for twenty-two years I was well without them, or thought I was anyway! But I survived!

Big crowd on cold day at Memphis

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