Tuesday 7 July 2015


Dinner last night at South Londoner friend P's at Island Bay. He has indeed sensibly set himself up with a large rentable home and is 'doin' very well thank you'. He works in the food import business where he looks after the major food retail outlets in Wellington with gourmet provisions, such as truffles,  olive oil etc.
We had a nice evening of catching up with his book and dvd collection providing the impetus for good conversation. He suggested an evening on the French Bastille Day next week. It may happen. He is also interested, he says, in taking up Scottish Country Dancing so I invited him for a 'look-see' next week.  He may, or may not, be a goer.

Today is freezing in Wellie and I see why so many of the Wellingtonians leave for extended holidays in winter. My five weeks away in August is small cheese in comparison. The snow is close by and it's snowing in the southern cities of Christchurch and Dunedin. Great for the skiers as NZ is a world ski attraction, even for the Aussies!

Two Young Frenchies joined me at Myvtable at Memphis and we struck up a conversation. They were Laura from Orléons, and Sylvain from somewhere else. Both were intelligent adventurers and looking for new lives in a new country. We even spoke about Eckankar.
They wanted to stay in touch so I gave them my cards.

Irishman dead in harbour..sad but true, he couldn't swim and fell into a dark harbour...

Leigh on the job..

Healthy local theatre at Bats will try to see this piece of theatre relevant to today's generation.

Always something....

..waiting for a good coffee.

Hypocrisy reigns in Europe Germany was spoiled after the second world war by fifty percent reduction of its debts, but Greece is not afforded the same grace. Thomas Pikkety, French economist, lays it on the line for Angela Merkel as the bravery of Greece forebodes badly for the rest of Europe.

Classic love story in NZ

...Wealthy American brings all his assets to the country he has fallen for, a typical story of anyone who has savoured the delights of rural, utopian, NZ. This is the country so many have eyes upon as it offers so much for educated freedom, healthy living and a positive economic climate.

Molly Malone's  gone broke

..another story of racial rivalry. Chinese owner vs Irish tenant with the scaffolders being the fly in the ointment. Scaffolding in Wellington is a giant business and they do make solid stuff, but in this case the works shaded the entry to Molly's and sent the busines into sad decline. No rent was paid and no sale could be made resulting in a bitter legal dispute making the lawyers wealthier than ever.
Who knows who'll win, probably no-one but the lawyers...!

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