Thursday, 30 June 2016

Friday night at the Gryphon -

The sun has come out to welcome in a fine weekend and a busy one for me as always. Hopefully tonight I will see 'The History Boys' at the Gryphon Theatre with my swimming mates although I wasn't given a reservation for some reason. I have no luck with that Facbook site where I thought I had registered interest. We'll just see what happens as I went to the theatre last night and it is totally booked out but may have a late 'no-show' they said. Here's hoping...

Today coffee with Gloria and chat with Eddie and his Mum Anne. I finally mentioned the possibility of a lunch next week to Anne and she seemed quite amenable. It will be what I have needed to do and it will be at the right time to usher her into the Seminar in four weeks. I have always travelled on unknown paths so this one will be just another step. Hopefully not like Celia's catastrophic cycleway fiasco at Island Bay.
The Turkish bombing having severe repercussions but a nice word from my friends Arsena and Burçu told me they are both out of the country.
Cold day at Memphis
Tomorrow big day in Aussie politics. I am hoping for a change of government, it could have an effect on my future there, or not?
This is a play I hope to see on Saturday night, but it may be sold out.
And the trailer to this movie looks ab fab so this movie is on my list too.
How the Kiwi footballers make their careers, Japan or France, what's the difference? Kiwis must travel to succeed.
At the Paramount Cinema booking for ten movies for the Film Festival which is always exceptionally good.
And the sun shines through the big windows into the foyer at the old Paramount Theatre where many of the films will be shown. Now home to work out how I will cope with a super-full weekend!

Well the White Guitar was booked out but the The History Boys was fabulous. My young swimming friend Parras made his acting debut and was excellent, as were all the others in this very funny and telling Alan Bennett play. I enjoyed it immensely and the Grypon Theatre is to be commended for bringing some lovely theatre to Wellington which would otherwise never see the light. Six stars!

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Brexit fallout

A grey day in Wellington but not as grey as the climate in the UK at the moment. The fallout from Brexit is only just starting to be realised and some are wondering if the decision might not be able to be reversed. One of them is even the PM-in-waiting Boris Johnson who is understandably nervous about leading a city and country which made a very rash decision based on emotion and  short-term thinking it seems.
This movie is receiving rave reviews and so it should.
Ruth Pretty, local food guru, pretty both in name and in nature
Most young Brits are very unhappy with the recent decision to exit the EU
Lots of argy-bargy going in with no plan in view...Poland suffering again, the meat in the sandwich?
Another jihad attack this time at Ataturk Airport, not good for the Turks.
Venezuela suffering enormously from bad government and lowered oil prices, many people are starving in Caracas.

Here is a lone Maori man lighting up to keep warm on a chilly day outside Memphis.

And a happy family leaving having already been warmed up by good Memphis coffee.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Wednesday with Tom

Tom joins me today after his weekend in Norsewood ...a lovely time away he says, but he has a slight cold I notice. The Dom Post doesn't do much to help anyone these days with the constant reporting of child abuse and murder scarring most pages.
An interesting letter about an alternate plan for the airport, it makes good sense to me
This terrible crime has to be reported I suppose but what an awful impression one gets from reading it about Maori care for tiny children.
Joe Bennett saying how the Brits apparently need to keep their identity inspite of the economic disadvantage of Brexit
Is this the future of television, a bit scary!
This laughable shock jock is like a younger more stupid Alan Jones in OZ
A really young Memphis client.

Today was Toastmasters and I nearly forgot about it, but arrived ten minutes late only to to be asked to make a small impromptu speech. It wasn't so hot I'm afraid. Next time better.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Wet week...

Damp and dreary day but spirits raised by the excellent coffee at  Memphis, always a great way to start  the day. Gloria arrives after a weekend at Wairarapa and after I have a coffee with Paul H and his Auckland friend Brian who is a very interesting refugee from South Africa. Lots of stories there.
Texting away....
Warning headlines.....
Tom Scott hitting it hard...
How Boris got in to win the Brexit cause
...the sad result of Brexit.
Does UK need this?
The very big Kiwi champ, Valerie Adams
Lydia wins again!
The movie I saw at Cuba....
As Tuesday is my free night I thought I would catch this recent release, a revealing drama of Nazi guilt and the Frankfurt war trials. It was a salutary reminder of history we lived through. I sighted David Z from Interfaith and was able to give him a lift home to Kelburn, where he lives high on the hill with a  marvellous view.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Wet Monday return

A very late night last night with a skype from Wisconsin from Deb resulting in a long sleep-in and late arrival at Memphis. All busy here, and Eddie doing a great job today.
The weather has been wet the whole weekend it appears, and it's still raining today. Make the best of as all Wellingtonians do. I just see a a bare-headed and bare-footed man walking outside on the very wet footpath - this is true Wellington.

On my return flight last night I see in the front row Anne Gilbert so we have a chat on alighting. She was with her 89 yo Mum in Christchurch for the past week. It was a bit of a coincidence as I had been thinking of her over the weekend. A very impressive woman who is also Eddie's Mum.
The new way of spying with home drones..??
Typical Kiwi strength in adversity...
The kapahaka I wanted to see at Te Papa by the kaumatua
Boris could be the next UK PM some are not happy....
..and Scotland could secede and become an EU member solo!
Mark Reason always banging the drum for good sports journalism, he can do this as he is very good himself.

Rugged up against the weather, an Aussie softie!
Eddie is on the lookout....

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Sunday in Christchurch

After a great sleep in chilly Christchurch where I overnighted in a BnB which I had experienced on my last visit to this once great but now decimated city. 

The wedding last night still features strongly in my memory. The wording of the ceremony, beautifully and lovingly created by the excellent celebrant and Bonnie who had emerged from her bed in the hospital to arrive at her own wedding only to return later with her new husband to spend their first night in a suite there. Bonnie, it was revealed during the many speeches, was born prematurely with only one lung and is susceptible to many infections. Now having come down with pleurisy, probably because of the stress of having totally organised her wedding, with geat élan and excellence I must add, she only just managed  to make it  to the wedding held in this beautiful vineyard on the edge of Christchurch. 
More pictures at the bottom....
The garden veggie patch outside my kitchen window at Glenn and Wasana's Air BnB where I spent the night of the wedding.
Large sitting room where I watched an amazing documentary movie on the Maori Channel, called The Red House. I would love to get it again!
My bed....
Coffee Sunday morning at Ballantyne's, the one big department store still in full glory in ravaged downtown Christchurch.
The Style Magazine of CC with the movers and shakers being photographed 
With steel sculptor featuring....
My interesting café at Ballantynes

The two young boys were totally in charge of inviting their elderly and disabled grandparents for hot  chocolate and cake. They were only about ten and twelve I would estimate, very bright and engaging as they chatted animatedly with their grand'ma who had obviously suffered a stroke but was valiant in her recovery using her electrified wheechair with great dexterity. The older boy gave his credit/debit card to his younger brother who paid for it all and they both exuded the Kiwi nature of generous spirit and capability. These two gifts seem to be in abundance in this tough and challenging country. 
The question is, can I take this challenge?

Today in CC I bought a Kiwi beanie to cover my ears in the very chilly Christchurch air. Walking through the open spaces, buildings waiting to be built, some edifices having already risen, it evoked a feeling of steadfast acceptance, a feeling that nature has dealt a severe blow but the day will come when all will eventually be rebuilt. 

But it will take many years for this once gracious, so-English of Victorian cities, to be be reborn. In the  meantime the stoic Kiwis soldier on, and mostly don't complain. There is certainly an old-core here, who are Cantabrians for over a hundred years, and their descendants are shown in the society photos of the local Style Magazine. These people indeed do have style, but many are anchored in times gone by. It will be their children who now are emerging into this crazy new world of computers and cyber dating who will create the new Christchurch in twenty years. 

I was fascinated to hear how cyberspace had enabled the romance and marriage take place which I happily witnessed last night. The Dating App called Tindr does indeed have a role to play in modern courtship  if used intelligently. But it's not for me I'm afraid.

The movie I saw on the excellent Maori TV last night called 'The Red House' was a love story of an aging Kwii environmental activist who was living an idyll on a small island somewhere. He was fighting the ugly investors and developers. It is a story which is all too common today. He was eventually edged out with rising rates which he could not afford. Somehow, (I missed this part), he had met a lovely Chinese widow who had totally fallen for him and he for her, in the  most chaste and spiritual of ways. He was supremely fit, like a modern day Tarzan, but was nearing seventy with the body of a twenty year old. He managed to travel to China to help her care for her aging pareents, and he witnessed around them the wholesale destruction of buldings and saw how the Chinese had to live. His home on this island was a paradise to which one can only hope he would eventually return with his new belved life partner. It was such a touching movie it gave me pause for thought.

At CC Airport for a few hours waiting for Jetstar to return to Welly. This is a much larger International airport which Wellington is aspiring to acquire.
It may never happen.

Below the wedding group of the Denings

Me with young 23 yo Anthony, brother of the groom.
The wonderful venue at the Cossars Vineyard, with marvellous tasty food.