Monday 6 June 2016

Chilly Tuesday with Barbara settling in...

I really should have walked all the way to Memphis this morning. It was a crisp, clear, sunny morning and it made you feel good to be alive. But lazily I accepted my bus ride with my new favourite bus driver, a lovely woman whose name I have yet to discover, but I will.

Gloria and Tom came in and there are more red linen curtains from Tom await my viewing at his place.
Perhaps tonight I'll go after my evening movie.
Eleven died on holiday weekend - road madness and road kill. Is it the roads of the lack of road-skills, they posit that it is the cheap petrol! Where next? 
Two regulars scoffing their cappuccinos 
Sydney cyclones wreak havoc on rhe northern beaches....what am I going back to, it will be more wild weather I am sure of that.
Novak Djokovic finally makes The Grand Slam.....
All Blacks playing next three weeks against Wales. The country is in lock-down.
The Kiwi Rugby obsession reigns supreme

Well off home for a rest and to wish Barbara good luck for her all-important interview tonight. She wants this job so much I fear she may want it just a little too much, but I am hoping the best for her. It is with OxFam, the international charity organisation which she is very much interested in.
First a quick jaunt to pick up the farm produce at Miramar which is now a weekly event. Soon I will start to volunteer there as they need workers to distribute the packs, and I do have the time.

My life is in such good condition in this busy little town, but where are the holes? There are of course no members or my family here, I have no old friends here, I am not teaching French here, nor at present am I teaching Eckankar. These last two are the all-important ingredients for leading a full life for me. My three and a half years of being a land-lord are quite enough thanks.  It has been very interesting and I am sure I have learned a lot, but now it's time to move on, albeit a return to the place where I grew up. But that's what life is, isn't it, a story where we eventually return to where we came form, especially in the spiritual worlds. And for me the physical place is Gosford. Strangley Lesely told me today he is applying for some good jobs which have come up in that area. I am not at all surprised as the Central Coast has major drug and alcohol problems and Lesley would be very valuable there. We  may see each other over there and increase our already good friendship.

Now at the Embassy for a documentary movie about a NY luminary called Altina. There is no doubt when I do leave this film-saturated town I will have had my fill of good films. But will I survive on a reduced diet? I am sure I will, as I will just change my priorities.

A few die-hards like me waiting for the Architecture and Design movie.

Well it was worth waiting for this one. Altina, the name of the Jewish artist sculptor who was herself a real work of Art,  was a most amazing personality. Born of Greek Jewish background, from an extremely wealthy family, she was the youngest of three sisters, and the most talented and wildest.She married four times, all for love, or so she thought, and each one was better than the one before.Her final choice was twenty years younger, and a Cuban artist exile, and she was absolutely in love with him as he was with her. Her art work was totally original and cutting edge, and she invented the new design called Harlequin which revolutionised women's glasses from which she made a lot of money.
The movie was made by one of her two sons who were both Academy Award winning producers.

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