Tuesday 21 June 2016

Money Monster movie

Last night I decided to see George Clooney and Julia Roberts in Jodie Foster's latest movie offering 'Money Monster'. i thought she would not make a movie that was wasted, but soon into it I felt a little hard done by. It was a somwhat hammy act by George, and Julia was her usual professional self. The subject was about dishonest big money and how people lost it over the GFC or something in that area. But later in the movie the many strands began to come together and began to show how Jodie just wanted to let people know that we must not believe the newspapers and certainly not our computers. Most evil is committed by real people doing bad things in their own interest for their own profit. In this case it had a vaguely happy ending as the perpetrator was eventually exposed, and hopefully brought to justice. It was worth seeing if just for that. The USA is ugly but it does have some light-showers like Jodie Foster who try to reveal their better-sided nature. 
This may be yet another Basin Reserve fiasco.....
Two examples of criminal abuse of privilege in Kiwi life..
Kiwis loved their Kirks!
Memphis at work...
Example of the good being done by the young Kiwis at the same time...
Trump may well be on his way out.....
A Kiwi is the captain of the Lions who are coached by an Aussie ....thus winning the most games in Rugby.
The King was more intelligent than most people thought....
Brazil is a sorry state with the Olympics only a month away.  What will happen one can only wonder.

Iraq is just getting worse and worse as the fallout from the US invasion to 'help' is revealed with more internal warfare and constant killings going on. It is 'hell on earth'.

My days are now filled with quiet preparation for my Christchurch trip this weekend for the wedding of the year, for me anyway lol! That of Bonnie Savage and Steve Dening.

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