Monday 13 June 2016

Day after the disaster

Last night at Frank Kitts park on the harbour was a vigil which I will never forget. For the fifty souls who perished in a bloody massacre by one mad man, we sent our love across the world. Two hundred-odd people were mourning -  our rainbow whanau gathered and spoke and sang in reverence of this awful event.

Below are the sad faces of just a few of the many victims who were mainly Hispanic.
This murdering madman was an ISIS member but for me, not a bona fide Muslim. He just hated gays.

More editorials on the atrocity....
...and a warning for New Zealand not to be complacent, to remain always vigilant.
Tom Scott shows the sad state of American society, below...
Here was the gathering of mourners of the Rainbow whanau...
...with the marvellous Mani Mitchell speaking.
                                                                               ........And the rainbow colours on the arts centre Michael Fowler

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