Sunday 26 June 2016

Wet Monday return

A very late night last night with a skype from Wisconsin from Deb resulting in a long sleep-in and late arrival at Memphis. All busy here, and Eddie doing a great job today.
The weather has been wet the whole weekend it appears, and it's still raining today. Make the best of as all Wellingtonians do. I just see a a bare-headed and bare-footed man walking outside on the very wet footpath - this is true Wellington.

On my return flight last night I see in the front row Anne Gilbert so we have a chat on alighting. She was with her 89 yo Mum in Christchurch for the past week. It was a bit of a coincidence as I had been thinking of her over the weekend. A very impressive woman who is also Eddie's Mum.
The new way of spying with home drones..??
Typical Kiwi strength in adversity...
The kapahaka I wanted to see at Te Papa by the kaumatua
Boris could be the next UK PM some are not happy....
..and Scotland could secede and become an EU member solo!
Mark Reason always banging the drum for good sports journalism, he can do this as he is very good himself.

Rugged up against the weather, an Aussie softie!
Eddie is on the lookout....

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