Sunday 12 June 2016

Gay Massacre in US

Today I woke up to horrific news of a gay club called 'Pulse' in Orlando Florida being targetted by an ISIS extremist who murdered at least fifty gay men in a club called Pulse. It is the worst mass killing the US has ever seen and the world is taking note, but will the US change their gun laws? I don't think so. Tonight there is a Candlelight Vigil being held and Tiwhanawhana are asked to attend so I will be there.

Now Iran is making it even harder to be oneself in their homophobic country.
Here is the first notice about the massacre which is of course all over social media.
Is NZ really true to its anti-nuclear stance?
More stupidity and bad bureaucracy about rape and reporting.
The New York group bagged mixed reviews....
Memphis being Irish....

The gay community will be in shock around the world in the next few days at least. This attack on our minority group is real, but is also part of the religious zealotry of the ISIS group of fanatics.

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