Wednesday 22 June 2016

Winter Solstice Dance

Coffee at Memphis with Tom and Anita and the weather has turned a bit nasty for the rest of the week but not at all cold at 15 degrees celsius.
The news is all bad with Welly's cable car perhaps not going ahead because of funding problems.
The Orlando killings still being newsworthy, naturally.
Kiwi war contribution under discussion with PM reneging on his earlier decision...
Superior Kiwi expertise in green food market winning first prize in OZ.
Brazil Games beginning with a bad omen of killing a poor jaguar....
More news from Orlando.....
This charmer is now left out of final test match against Wales....
Merde, I missed this dance jewel! Totally sold out, even with an extra performance. I can only dream...
Anita with a sad story of being trapped in a broken lift for three hours with four macho Kiwi males...not a place for someone like her, or any woman.
On to National Library at home Café for some local reading....
Wellington's 'Capital' monthly magazine - back page ad shows the career prospects for a bright young Kiwi girl who attends King's School - unlimited. Think ex PM Helen Clark, but I don't think Helen went to King's.
This solemn young lad graces the cover of the April Anzac edition of 'Capital'. This well written magazine tells all the good stories about life and times in Wellington, and there are truly some amazing stories to be told.

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