Tuesday 14 June 2016

Still grieving...

It seems there may even be more than one person responsible for the mass shooting in Orlando as witnesses there say there was another person holding the door shut and another shooting as well. It does seem implausible that one man could kill forty-nine, the revised number of victims, but then who knows how crazed he had become. He had also been often to the bar on a dating app and could well have harboured instense internalised homophobia because of his own sexuality being a Muslim and not being allowed to express it properly. We will never know.
Gay bars no longer safe in the USA....
This monstrous miscarriage of justice resulted in a twenty-one sentence for an innocent young man. He is not being fully compensated, but then what could replace a life?
Joe Bennett trying to lift our spirits.....
These guns, in fact all guns, should be banned in the US.
Porridge and full grains again touted to be the healthiest, so what's new?
This is Chinese social media madness. This Chinese woman is filming herself eating a bowl of worms. What will happen next?
Mark Reason giving some well earned notes to Lydia Ko even when she loses....
We were all needful of some kai and respite after the candlelight vigil so we returned to the NZPC for more waiata. Thanks to Kevin and all the Tiwhanawhana!

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