Thursday 16 June 2016

Careers Expo - Toast Masters volunteer

After a bump-in at the TSB Arena yesterday which didn't give me much optimism about TM's organisational efficiency, I still went along to my designated two hours today but decided to stay only one hour as there were too many volunteers already there. They mean well, TM, but sometimes they do not use the Law of Economy to the fullest extent. Still the hundreds of school kids who attended the Careers Expo were interesting to observe in themselves - Kiwi youth always being lively and intrigued, most of them anyway.
Brexit coming to the end point. I predict No Exit!
The 'Memphis look', one of them anyway.
Talent on the wall in Oklahoma City and the super-talent who painted the mural, both young Kiwi men.
This travesty of justice still being analysed. At least New Zealand accepts responsibility for its total ineptitude and guilt in this matter.
This is typical of the great musical fusion happening in Wellington these day. I would love to hear this group.
And this one-man play looks terrific. Shakespeare is reinvented à la Kiwi.
A great initiative shown by this small group of community minded people, led by Maori women I see. Reduce food waste and feed the poor, exactly what needs to be happening world-wide.
Reef Ireland (what a name!) is 23 and a Kiwi-born Aussie actor returning to Auckland to play a lead role in the soap, 'Westside'. He certainly has the smouldering looks of a Marlon Brando, and in that jacket, he is certainly channelling Brando.

I am in the throes of planning the busiest weekend of my year I am sure, and it just happens to be my birthday weekend. I have so much to do I just may squeeze it all in if I do it using the the Spiritual Law of Economy and also being very efficient. I can do it, I tell myself. I'll let you know next week.

Our TM group at the School Careers Expo
David Jones is arriving - at least I will have a taste of my favourite store in the world before I quit these shores in December, but no shopping!

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