Wednesday 15 June 2016

Sunny but still sad...

The sun is shining but the after-effects of that terrible massacre still lie heavily in the air. The lgbti world is still shivering is disbelief and righteous anger at the way the FBI allowed a targeted terrorist to be around and buy those weapons of death.
The smiling father and husband....
..was in reality a wife-abuser and mentally unstable homophobe.
Locals are sad about thimble sized wine glasses being used to curb women's drink driving...sexism Hello?
More Kiwis with depression leading to suicide, one always wonders why ?
Possibly because they don't sing!  The Glamaphones out in force, sorry I'll miss them as I have a full weekend.
This is crazy English upperclass hyprocrisy but now it seems the paedophile network  is becoming unmasked at top levels.

Today I went to the Sallies look for a replacement blender which I burnt out while making some hummus last night, and I came back with a wonderful antique Kimono, I am a bit silly, but it is very beautiful and fits me perfectly. One should always have at least one kimono in the wardrobe I believe, if not hanging  beautifully on the wall. I hope my Japanese housemate Kojiro will like it.

Mou Mou is feeling unwell, resting on Barbara's bed. She has no energy and is not eating her dry food which she formerly devoured. I changed her diet from raw meat to canned food on the advice of Barbara's veterinarian Dad, but it looks like it is not doing her well at all. I have always lacked confidence in commercial cat food so I think I will return her to the raw meat very soon. She is really unhappy I can see that.
On a brighter note in the mail today I received from OZ a wonderful care package from dear friend T in Melbourne, winter warm pyjamas, she always cares for my well being. They look so good in their Koala packaging I don't want to take them out. It was another pull back to OZ, especially with the Constitutional Referendum happening next year. I want to be on site for that big one.

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