Saturday 4 June 2016

Meeting with Barbara

Today is planned a meeting for the room with an American girl who sounded very nice in her letters. Young, traveller, and twenty-five years old. Her name is Barbara and she had seen and liked Cafe Baobab so that was also a good sign. I have cancelled the two men as they were too young and big for the room and I didn't want to waste their time or mine. I am hoping Barbara will be the one.
Prince still headlining with his method of dying, by OD-ing with another worse drug than heroin.
Strollers outside Cafe Baobab
Serious statistics which the government is doing little to remedy it appears.

The new way of getting married, by a straight celebrant in drag
One of the many tragedies that happened in past times in this distant far-flung outpost
A Kiwi Dame and her six brothers....
Movie maker on the way to Hollywood made a funny doco about  tickling people...
The latest marriage is to yourself..there will be quite a few takers I am sure.
Barbara Haupt, from Puget Sound, came to see the house and fell in love with it so she is now our new and latest housemate. It's also good to have a woman in the mix, four guys was just a little too much testosterone sometimes.  She is very lovely and will doubtless quickly find a job I am sure. We got on very well and I am very impressed with her. She and Julian met also and they will get on well.
So now I am having a quiet night at home reading Joseph Conrad's 'Under Western Eyes'.

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