Friday 24 June 2016

Britain Exits from EU

After a night full of dream-drama of getting lost in a rental car I am ready for the worst today but I am hoping for the best. Often in dreams you go through things which don't have to happen on the outer, and lf so, with a big day today at Christchurch, everything should he AOK. So far it is perfect. I awoke and even had a small chat with K and B about the use of the dehumidifier instead of the heater for drying the clothes. I'm not too sure he understood but I'll leave it with Barbara.
Into Kilbirnie before I get to the aiport for that necessary cup of coffee and glance at the Saturday newspapers, full of news about Brexit.
David Cameron eats humble pie and resigns, leaving Boris Johnson tipped to take the reins in October. This is something which I had predicted a few months ago. The Right is on the rise, for better or for worse, the Brits want to go it alone.
It had to happen, Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson fall in celluloid love.
Young British Turks like the result of quitting EU. I have an open mind about this but it seemed clear the EU wasn't doing all it set out to do originally.
Syrian refugeesloving living in Porirua 

RIP Jo Cox, the face of Remain in the EU.

Tragic death by his rolling carone wonders about karma here, he was such a star on the way up.

Saw this great movie last nightand the critic agrees, this is a worthy review.

A perfect trip to Christchurch, efficient pickup at the airport by Snap car rental and a half hour drive finds me early at the Cossars Vineyard, the site of the wedding. Many have arrived and I quickly see John and Anne, my friends from Oz who are also the parents of the groom.

The vineyard building is perfect for a wedding and reception, with the small room for the ceremony lined with corrugated iron walls, very simple and rustic. Two armchairs  are set up at front and the marriage celebrant is a very confident young woman dressed in chic black.

The big news however, is that the bride will be late being ferried from the hospital where she has been for the past few few days, diagnosed with serious pleurisy. So the wedding has become quite dramatic. The face of the groom said it all. Steve was tired and tense, obviously very worried about his soon-to-be wife.

However the brave and valiant couple carried it off with great panache, wonderful speeches and it was great fun in spite of the illness of the bride.
Below a moment of caring which was the whole wedding encapsulated.
They were a beautiful couple Bonne and Steve.
The groom's men -brother Anthony and best man from Wollongong.

Bride with her maids,sister and sister-in-law

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