Saturday 4 June 2016

Sunday at Caffé L'Affare

Today for a change I decide to have brunch with Brent at Caffé L'Affare off Tory Street.
I immediately see why the Memphis is my choice of coffee, as although this is a justly famous venue and it is chock-full, their coffee is not what Memphis serves. Too bitter!
Early yet, but soon to be overflowing with aficionados ...
Head-line news everywhere, especially in Kiwiland, is the death of boxing legend Muhammed Ali, just three years older than I, and what a life he has led.
This Kiwi actress Rena Owen, after a great career in Hollywood, now is back to her roots to write her memoir...makes sense ay?
Paris is flooding, seriously!
Still in news is this sad demise of the gorilla in the US...
Russian Jew, New Yorker Ralph Lauren has certainly made it in all possible ways...he's 76 and everyone loves him and is a billionaire to rival Donald Trump, whose wife he dresses. He can also wear his jeans to Claridges, but only when dining with Princess Diana!
Coq au vin, nice simple recipe, but am I going veg, or not?
Karl Urban, (related to Keith perhaps?)
Here are three big Kiwi success stories in the field of acting. Is it just because they have this amazing Kiwi work ethic? I am beginning to think this is the key to all Kiwi success, and it is everywhere.
This Maori actor Cliff Curtis is fantastic..
...and this is one who adopted Australia as his home country....Russell Crowe.

Afternoon light on the fabulously restored Art Deco cinema..

I am now at the Embassy foyer preparing to see a documentary movie in the Architecture and Design Festival. It is called 'Plant this movie', and could be is about the need for a revolution in eco-friendly farming, without using an enormous quantity of pesticides which are robbing the food of all its nutrition. We need a sustainable food chain which involves urban farming and I am sure this is a timely movie and will be sold out.

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