Monday 27 June 2016

Wet week...

Damp and dreary day but spirits raised by the excellent coffee at  Memphis, always a great way to start  the day. Gloria arrives after a weekend at Wairarapa and after I have a coffee with Paul H and his Auckland friend Brian who is a very interesting refugee from South Africa. Lots of stories there.
Texting away....
Warning headlines.....
Tom Scott hitting it hard...
How Boris got in to win the Brexit cause
...the sad result of Brexit.
Does UK need this?
The very big Kiwi champ, Valerie Adams
Lydia wins again!
The movie I saw at Cuba....
As Tuesday is my free night I thought I would catch this recent release, a revealing drama of Nazi guilt and the Frankfurt war trials. It was a salutary reminder of history we lived through. I sighted David Z from Interfaith and was able to give him a lift home to Kelburn, where he lives high on the hill with a  marvellous view.

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