Monday 6 June 2016

Barbara's arrival on Queen's holiday

A lovely sunny day heralds the arrival of the new American housemate, from Washington State. She is a normal down-to-earth twenty five year old and I think will fit in well with the house mob. I am picking her up at Owhiro Bay where we are having a coffee and scone. She generously invited me which I happily accepted.
The view from The Bach café, right on Owhiro Bay
Inside the packed and very noisy café
Wellington having a house crisis? ...Not really as inflated as they say.
Serena finally toppled in the French Open by an unbelieving Spaniard.
Ali still dominates sports news as he was so much loved in the whole world of sporting endeavor
Lord Jonathan Sacks says it as it is ...the imminent decline of Western Civilisation

Later today I will visit Ron for a cuppa and catch up with his news. I have also invited Barbara to be present at the meeting of takataapui tonght at the NZPC. She has experience with the sex industry working with safe sex and reproductve issues. She wants to learn Te Reo and it would be a good introduction for her, that is, if she can deal with their open and accepting friendship, but hey, why, not? 

Below, Barbara enjoying the view at Owhiro Bay

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