Wednesday 29 June 2016

Brexit fallout

A grey day in Wellington but not as grey as the climate in the UK at the moment. The fallout from Brexit is only just starting to be realised and some are wondering if the decision might not be able to be reversed. One of them is even the PM-in-waiting Boris Johnson who is understandably nervous about leading a city and country which made a very rash decision based on emotion and  short-term thinking it seems.
This movie is receiving rave reviews and so it should.
Ruth Pretty, local food guru, pretty both in name and in nature
Most young Brits are very unhappy with the recent decision to exit the EU
Lots of argy-bargy going in with no plan in view...Poland suffering again, the meat in the sandwich?
Another jihad attack this time at Ataturk Airport, not good for the Turks.
Venezuela suffering enormously from bad government and lowered oil prices, many people are starving in Caracas.

Here is a lone Maori man lighting up to keep warm on a chilly day outside Memphis.

And a happy family leaving having already been warmed up by good Memphis coffee.

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