Monday 29 February 2016


This morning I was joined by Ron and Wayne to have a coffee at Memphis. I have been invited again to stand for the board of BP Wellington and am wondering if I am over committing if I take it on. Even Ron is not standing as he had originally intended to because of lack of time. I will have to talk to Bruce about it but I know he will try persuade me to take it on.. It means six trips to Auckland in the next twelve months to attend meetings. If I do so, I will do it as my swan-song to Wellington..

Sometimes the roads here are messy with very slow upgrades going on.

My tip for best picture won the Oscar, 'Spotlight' a worthy winner about horrific child abuse in Boston. Would that Aussie Cardinal Pell saw this movie!

Trump's attempt to win now supported by KKK, what next?

The  great Wellington Festival with its Aussie shows, one of which I just missed at the Michael Fowler Centre.
 The grea Paul Kelly was singing and the audience was electrified it appears. I can't get to everything, although my nine French movies have been a bit 'ott' and would not warrant the time spent there I'm afraid. Oh well, a lesson learned, I hope. I will miss a rehearsal for Tiwhanawhana on Saturday arvo because of a French movie, but will still attend the Parliament celebration of the Gay Law Reform 30 year anniversary.

I am now on my way  to sign a petition at Parliament steps to help release a drug for cancer which is not on the Pharmac list here and people cannot access it who have Melanoma. We are lucky the HIV drugs are subsidised here and this is one reason I may stand for the Board. I suppose the more I do here the better as now I am on a roll I should contribute as much as I can.

Below is French Mother Aubert from the Order of Compassion, about to be made a Saint in the Catholic Church. She was born on my birthday I notice, such a nice compassionate woman, must be like me a bit I suppose, lol! They are trying to cash in on her fame with a Memorial Home or some such   place.

The political gathering was low-key at Parliament steps but well covered by all media. They need the melanoma drugs here, and immediately, to cure the rash (humph!) of skin tumours affecting many people. NZ does not have the population to procure cheap drugs but perhaps this is what they are hoping with the TPPA - there must be something in it for NZ after all?

Am now off to see 'Marguerite' with the excellent Catherine Frot, based on the Florence Foster Jenkins story in the US. Hope it is better than 'Rosalie Blum'!

Just out and I'm afraid it was not very good. Is it the French different sense of humour, or are they still in thrall to the American industry?  It was well acted but didn't do it for me, at all. The original American movie was a good one, but this one I only give two stars. C'est la vie!

Sunday 28 February 2016

Monday recovery

Another big weekend and Monday at Memphis to recover. Tom comes in to share a coffee after a nice weekend at Norsewood. He cut his finger on a roof cleaning job so sports a three band-aid finger.
Wellington enjoys a late summer....
..but Martinborough disappoints with no Balloon show - Social media sold too many tickets! A problem with this  ever-increasing cyber nation and its somewhat small resources, in action.
This Cardinal Pell has some answers to give and I hope they are truthful, if not, he is damned to hell-fires.
Finally some colour in the award system and it is about time, but it is Indie Awards, not Academy, of course.

Interesting that Thorpie says this, and it is true, everyone else knew he was gay, but he didn't, and that is the sorry truth of our social system in Australia. But now he is doing a lot of good with the bullying problem at Aussie schools.

Should I go to this dinner, and tell them I had afternoon tea with Salvador and Gala at their 'Egg' home in Cadaqúes forty-five years ago? I think not, but I could just give them the possibility....hahha..

Yesterday I saw an elderly couple, probably in their eighties, walking home along Orientla Parade at nine am in the morning with a tray of freshly made coffees in their hands...they looked like a young romantic pair whose joy was to have a rich brew every morning from their local café, in this case Vista.. It is a sign of the enormous coffee culture of this wonderful  gourmet city.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Trying Zumo on Sunday

Went shopping today at Commonsense Organics and saw Zuma next door so guiltily decided to try their coffee.  The crowd here is touristic and the coffee although 'choice of bean', was not as good as Memphis of course! Why would I ever think otherwise?
A trendy crowd...

.. Just too many beans...

Monday is Oscar night!

A guilty Kiwi secret, pass the buck?

Trump still  trying....very trying!

This is my next Kiwi movie with great actors and a great story - can't wait! Have met Jim Moriarty and am very impressed with him.

This Golf Club runs from $2 grand to $4 grand a night, to stay. It is at Lake Taupo, for billionaires!

Am off to see my fourth French movie today, I hope it is as good as the last one, but not as serious.
It's called 'Rosalie Blum'.

It was touted to be a classic comedy, but in the French style. For me it lacked in translation.  Yes the acting is good, but generally the directing is over adventurous and disjointed resulting in a mix of stories and time-frames which are not very logical, till the very end anyway. For me the conclusion is disappointing -  the man gets the teenaged girl and the older woman gets a big dog. Not fair! And also not realistic in my opinion. Just too, too, French. Only three stars from me.

Summer Festival at Hongoeka

But first market day at Newtown and a coffee at the Coffee Shop..
We are all meeting at ten-thirty at NZPC to drive to Plimmerton, then about a half hour drive to the Marae where at one pm approximately we will be peforming. In Maori time, this is very flexible, so I have done my shopping beforehand as it may be a late return

..entering this café
Refugees arriving in Wellington - too few by far, say many.  

Anither big unsung Kiwi star turn, whose name we don't all know. She starred wih Kate Winslett in Heavenly Creatures and then went to Hollywood for an interesting TV career.

Now here is a true eccentric brilliant Kiwi. A real Polymath, Bill Bricknell strode to his own tune and left a real heritage in art and sculpure

Everyone loves Adele - she has such a voice and can say anything with her cockney voice.

Our mob at Hongoeke Marae with Kevin at the helm...

Falega and Kassie relaxing ofter our gig is over

Chanel and Renée in preparation..... 

...the seagulls enjoying some lunch!

Today's artistic effort was nothing short of a miracle given our rushed prep, but still under the expert and patient guidance of Kevin and Chanel we pulled it off. A good crowd was there at the Hongoeke Marae fund-raiser and they enjoyed our six waiata and poi performance. It was my ice-breaker, but in spite of not being word-perfect, we had the others  to cover for us, and we were in the back row. 
Kevin was happy with the result and a few of us went down to the water for a sandwich after and entertained the seagulls. This is a a picture post-card place, Plimmerton, and will one day be a very pricey holiday resort no doubt.

I also cannot believe I  spent midday in the sun again without sunscreen, as the day started cloudy. This is my final lesson. And I am hoping my nose won't explode ever again!  But it was a great day and on my return I went to see 'Peggy Guggenheim' at the Cuba Lighthouse. It was a great doco as Helen E. had predicted, so I'm glad I made the effort to see it. Edmund White featured as ever, he knows everyone, and it was nice to see a bit of Dali and his wife Gala on the screen.  She was a rare one Peggy, and one day I hope to visit her palazzo museum in Venezia!
Home to an early night and a good sleep.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Festival Friday

Afte an extremely disappointing French offering last night in the name of 'Boomerang', where the name should have warned me it would be a pretentious pastiche of hidden family secrets coming back to haunt the siblings in a totally dysfunctional family - I nearly followed the woman who walked out in the row in front of me. I was hemmed in or I would have done it. The French have made some great movies but also some very awful ones of which this was a prime example.
At Circa Theatre it is Footnote Dance group which would warrant a visit as well. Do I have the time, and the financial resources to see everything? I think not...

But this is for later today, and it should be good.

Memphis is windy today, the door blowing shut in spite of the wedge, the wind always wins in Welly!

Simon Winchester is also 71, and is doing everything!!

President Putin...guilty again!

Tom comes in for a quick coffee, he is off ot Norsewood today and I tell him all my plans. Tomorrow at Hongoeka is my first appearance with Tiwhanawhana in a stage production and I am a tad nervous, but all will be OK, the Maori are totally supportive, always! With Tom, who is so very patient, I share my possible plans for travel in  2017, without giving away that it may be my last year in NZ, as when I turn 72, a change is in the air.

I know it is my mind talking, but also my circumstances. I move when the ECK says it is time but the possibilities for change must always be there, which in 2017,  there will be.
It is the year of big evolution in Aboriginal rights in Australia, perhaps a Constitution change as well, which will be be fascinating to be part of. My family would be very happy that I am nearer, and my time  in NZ, adding up to four years, will have taught me  so much which I hope will never be forgotten, as this country is so much in advance in many areas. It may be time to take what I have learned and move on, back to OZ but forward in my thinking and in what I am doing.

The ECK always needs me in OZ, but doesn't need me so much here. I love the climate, both physical and mental, but I could survive in Oz again, after all, I can still travel. I would of course have to get public housing which I have had before and is isn't so bad, possibly in Newcastle, a base which allows me to travel during the  hottest times and get away, to perhaps even Wellington! 
My Interfaith work here which has been minimal is not so important, and can be take over by someone else. I can continue dancing, pick up singing again, hopefully swim, and importantly do work with the Newcastle Aboriginal Support group which still exists I am sure. The canvas is rich with possibilities. And home may well beckon as it did last year until a certain person came along, but I will have spent four happy and productive years away in this cloudy and windy country.

Just back from 'Mediterranea', and the FFF is totally redeemed. If I don't see another good one, and I'm sure I will, this film will remain tops. Gripping, true, believable, superbly acted and directed, and so important to see, it is about the piteous state of African refugees trying to get into Europe today. 
Five stars.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Thursday finding!

This morning after a casual look in my 'green shopping bag' I discovered my lost Gold Card, having had carelessly 'lost' it last Saturday, it has been lying safely in the bag waiting to be found. I am silly when it comes to losing things I automatically think things are lost when I have just put them somewhere else. Now both recharger and card have reappeared and all is good, but will I learn my lesson? I hope so.
Johnny serves a regular in his cool black and gold shirt...
Today's rehearsal for Ti whanawhana is at Te Papa so I am missing my swimming unfortunately so will instead catch a good French movie at the Festival. Last night's movie was an honest comedy made with consummate French moviemaking skill by a woman, who not only produced and directed butalso starred in it. And was perfect. She is Julie Delpy and will be making more great movies I assure you.

More Aussie interest in Wellington, it won't stop... RMWilliams should succeed in this very outdoor city.

They still honour the aged Queen, and she always gets good coverage in New Zealand.

Sydney is at least leading the field somewhere, this time it is at Newtown Performing Arts High School with uni -sex and  take-your-choice gender toilets. Good on them!

Back to French success, here is the French Ambassador, a red-head with freckles, no wedding ring, a career woman, no make-up, but went to the right schools and got the right degrees from US in particular, to make a fabulous career in diplomacy. She will doubtless love New Zealand and it will love her, she even looks like a Kiwi!

Poor Brendon, he can't smile in spite of his great word record bash at the crease. The Aussies laugh and joke like the teenagers they are.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Wow! For Aussie play at Bats

Last night I witnessed an amazingly good and important play at the small and innovative theatre of Bats near rhe Embassy Cinema on Kent Terrace. I had seen the publicity so I knew I had to see it as it was the second last night. The show was about the Stolen Generations of Aboriginals in Australia, in this case mostly in WA, and it was as tense as its subject matter. 

The young twenty-four year old WAPA graduate Ian Michael, was excellent as it also was his idea to bring to the stage these universally sad stories of deceit by government and horrific, inhumane treatment of choldren and thir parents. Approached by Michael, the director Penny Harpham, a very sensitive woman who saw what it needed for authentic stage production and who had the necessary skills to extract a sterling performance from this young actor. These thefts are still happening, the stealing of young Aboriginals from their families, and this play is so true it needs to be seen by all Australians, indeed, by everyone, as it is a universal theme of love and loss.

 After a very busy yesterday, finalising car rental and BnB at Christchurch (I have rebooked at the same BnB that I stayed at before, with a Kiwi and Thai woman who are making money to fix their house after the earthquake) I can now rest as all is organised for June 25. I may as well make it a birthday celebration for me as well, as it is in the same week as my 71st.
The boyz, Gideon, Paris and Reuben chewing the fat...
...with Reuben holding the stage.
..they are all lovely young men.
But here is an example of ugly New Zealand, with a premeditated murder by three of one innocent young man. There is some really weird stuff going on in the outer suburbs and I wonder how dark the history is in New Zealand.
Joe Bennett wants a new flag, but not the silly suggested one by the PM
The future of retail Wellington looks bright because of David Jones arriving later this year, or next year depending...

The Aussies win, again, but not nice. are the talented schoolboy athletes who will see NZ into the future. I would like to attend this competition next Tuesday.

The Toastmasterso went well again, although they are increasing substantially the subs from the US and I fear we are getting little bang for our bucks. We need to reassess the situation and see what they are offering in return for $150 yearly?

Later lunch at Home Café at the National Library and a good read of the Guardian Weekly with an excellent update on European news. And late in the evening I caught my first movie of the French Film Festival at the Embassy. It called 'Lolo' and was made by, and stars, Julie Delpy who is always good and with Karin Viard she is quite funny, although the movie is about her horrible son played to perfection by Vincent Lacoste.
Dany Boon is also excellent and it is a modern French Rom-Com with a few twists 'à la française' ..enjoyable.

Monday 22 February 2016

Strange Tuesday...

Slept in a bit this morning after very strange dream of my late Mum and Dad, with me being an apologist for my father....very strange and worth remembering.

So rushed on the bus to check my Gold Card loss in Newtown Café but with no joy, and I fear this time I have lost it permanently as I have no idea where it could be. Friday will see me request a replacement from WINZ as they have told me it is possible.

In the meantime, my other 'loss' turned up in the deepest reaches of my other shoulder bag where I had obviously placed it on my return from Auckland and had subsequently forgotten all about it. So now I  have two rechargers in the event of one failing! Newtown is quaint and still smacks of 'old Wellington' during the week.

Some big crims in Kiwiland as well, especially in finance.
What I have always said, and the wheat grass is old territory for me...
Where I plan to go tonight, my first visit to Bats Theatre, and it is an Aussie, and a real one!
Am looking forward to seeing this special art doco....
This is a real foray into PM hopes for Boris Johnson, and he may well succeed I think.
AJ sits with me for a Sushi....

Home for a rest and a good read as I have now three library books on the go, or is it four? I am so happy to be back reading again, like I was when a real youngster when I read at least two books a week.

At Tiwhanawhana last night it was a hectic practice as we are performing on several occasions in the next month. We are doing many waiata and I need to memorise all the text instead of just doing the vowel sounds, as the meaning is often in the consonants. One day I will be confident to sing solo perhaps?