Thursday 18 February 2016

Sunny Friday

Having had coffee with Anita at Memphis, (she is not too well today with her ME kicking in), I finish and decide that it is my day for the National Library, up-town, where I love to have a quesedilla at the Home Café. It is very popular, so keep away between noon amd two o'clock, there is a long queue. In my opinion they have the best priced lunch in town.
The city is awash with Tartan, and the weather will hold, we all hope. They expect eighty-two thousand spectators!

Memphis as normal...

Where dogs are invaluable...

And Cardinals are unbelieveable.....

Nigeria still living in the dark ages...
The Home café, where you get THE best chicken quesadilla.

I will not stay long as I have cooking to do at home. Letters are written but more emails to send. Ooh, and one snail-mail letter to old friend Nicholas in London which I will do this afternoon.
The weekend could be calm, or very full, depending if I go to Otaki tomorrow and Whanganui on Sunday, but at present I think I need a quiet weekend after the last one in Auckland. 

As I haven't heard from PR in Otaki I will take it that he will do the Spiritual Fair solo, which may be best for all concerned. Also I have the HU song tonight and can do Tiwhanawhana tomorrow to catch up for my absence of this last Monday. Graeme can do Whanganui with the small team he has and I will go next time if I can.

I am still processing the Aussie visit from Wednesday, and it may well have a large effect on my eventual return to Oz, as working towards a fairer Australia, i.e. an Aboriginal Inclusive one, is high on my agenda. Time will tell. 

Happily I received the minutes from the Interfaith meeting I missed and the WCC venue seems to have been accepted in my absence. David Zwartz is to do the application and it will certainly pass through with his undoubted expertise in doing applications. There is talk of Wellington hosting the National Interfaith Conference in 2018, I wonder if I will still be here?

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