Sunday 21 February 2016

Monday with Eddie

Smiling Eddie joined me for a minute this morning. As always he is very sensitive to others' space, so when the adjacent table became vacant he moved there with a smile as we both needed a greater space. He is a delightful and so polite young man his mothe has done a fantastic job in rearing him as a sole parent. 
The reason I could not leave home yesterday!
Anniversary of the saddest time in Christchurch in 2011
 Busy busy Welly!
Classic scene at Memphis..
Christchurch legacy leaves some with great friendships forged in a few days, but still sad memories.

The reason I love Memphis - there are many, but sitting here with the colourful, quirky world of Wellington pass by and the amazing eclectic music sounding in my ears, is certainly one of the major reasons I come everyday to sip their excellent coffee and accept their generous hospitality. I feel part of the Memphis family.
Below is proof positive of the murderous regime of Vladimir Putin. No-one is ever safe who is not on his side, completely. 
The sculpture below is a must-see at the Dowse Museum at Petone. Liu Jianhua is a leading Chinese ceramicist and has been shown all over the world, except here, but now he has come with two remarkable installations of his great art.
Bernie even made the Dom Post today, such is the inclusive nature of Wellington.
Must acknowledge the world record Century McCullum made, again perhaps. But what a bash!

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