Saturday 20 February 2016

Saturday at Newtown

Saturday with Tom at the Black Coffee Shop. Below is one of their murals, she is a talented artist.

Zoey Hall the Artist
Peta Mathias giving good advice as usual, with a twist!
This typica Kiwi family has a day off the grid, i.e. No mobiles!!
Here is our new female Solicitor General..the women rule!
But bad cancer risks in top and bottom of NZ.

Suva is having a typhoon tonight, but news for this poor nation..The Weather is our constant companion, for better or worse, and we have to accept it.

Today Tom bequeathed me an excellent, smart woollen dinner suit by Hugo Boss which formerly belonged to Anton. It was never really worn, and it fitted me, with just a slight waist adjustment. I am now ready for my investiture, or whatever! Later at Tiwhanawhana I learned more in an afternoon than any Monday night. I must go more often to this practice as one day I hope to be proficient, somewhat anyway!

Then home to cook for my Vegan Lunch tomorrow in Lower Hutt with the Rajiv and Taoists. Should be interesting.I also am near to book a  flight to Christchurch for Steve and Bonnie's wedding on June 25. I'll have to attend as it is another Dening Wedding, I have no option, but it wiil be fun and very interesting I'm sure.

So a quiet night at home with NZSO and Beethoven's Pastoral symphony. Beautiful!

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