Sunday 28 February 2016

Monday recovery

Another big weekend and Monday at Memphis to recover. Tom comes in to share a coffee after a nice weekend at Norsewood. He cut his finger on a roof cleaning job so sports a three band-aid finger.
Wellington enjoys a late summer....
..but Martinborough disappoints with no Balloon show - Social media sold too many tickets! A problem with this  ever-increasing cyber nation and its somewhat small resources, in action.
This Cardinal Pell has some answers to give and I hope they are truthful, if not, he is damned to hell-fires.
Finally some colour in the award system and it is about time, but it is Indie Awards, not Academy, of course.

Interesting that Thorpie says this, and it is true, everyone else knew he was gay, but he didn't, and that is the sorry truth of our social system in Australia. But now he is doing a lot of good with the bullying problem at Aussie schools.

Should I go to this dinner, and tell them I had afternoon tea with Salvador and Gala at their 'Egg' home in Cadaqúes forty-five years ago? I think not, but I could just give them the possibility....hahha..

Yesterday I saw an elderly couple, probably in their eighties, walking home along Orientla Parade at nine am in the morning with a tray of freshly made coffees in their hands...they looked like a young romantic pair whose joy was to have a rich brew every morning from their local café, in this case Vista.. It is a sign of the enormous coffee culture of this wonderful  gourmet city.

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