Saturday 6 February 2016

Meeting Elise - wow!

Friday 29 at Memphis

Today is a busy one, I made a card of yesterday's first birthday celebration at the Memphis, where the boys were all in nappies, and today I delivered it. Also Tom came in and Gloria introducd me to her new French Canadian friend Elise, who turned out to be an amazing, talented, and charming girl of 24, doing her Masters Degree in Human Rights from a few European Unversities, including Sweden.

She also speaks, as well as English and French of course, Swedish, Spanish and Mandarin, and some Italian.
We exchanged details and I even spoke to her boyfriend Nino, who is anSwedish boy and living in Queenstown as an adventure tour guide. We spoke in French. Strange 'coincidence' is that she was on her way to the NZPC, the Prostitutes' Collective, to be interviewed as a possibility for including them in her studies. She was not just beautiful but extremely motivated and great to talk to.
Elise and Gloria....
The new togs for Kiwi Olympians.
The movie I am seeing tonight...should be good with Eddie Redmayne playing the Trans girl.

Hillary and her essential helper in these election runups, another fascinating story.

And Arthur Meek is a name to be watched, yet another super-talented Kiwi actor/writer/director!
The play at Bats I must see...
'Room' a movie to see because of Brie Larson!

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