Wednesday 17 February 2016

Amazing Maori Symposium

Yesterday there was no blog. I was too, too busy at an excellent symposium at Sth Otago Medical School at Wellington hospital, the site of some former great times, and which was again organised by my good friend Keri Lawson-teahoe and filmed by Karamia, below, her now partner.
Smiling, and now singing in her newly acquired bass voice, what a singer she is!

Below are the three Aussie Aboriginals I met at the symposium, representing The Dulwich Centre in Adelaide, and led by a white Aussie David Denborough, who facilitated adroitly their two sessions which left me flabbergasted. Why had I not heard of Narrative Therapy before? It is now on my high priority to research 

Here they are chatting away, with a great sense of humour from Auntie Barb with the mike.

Well I asked her for a selfie and it turned out well. Auntie Barb didn't mind, although Aboriginals from Australia are normally not great and having their images recorded. She was exceptional and is the leader in the fight against Deaths in Custody and sucide prevention in Aboriginal communities in Australia. She was quite inspirational.

This is the re-written first verse of the the Aussie National Anthem, which is quite possibly the best thing to come out of a pretty average melody. Judith Durham from The Seekers, co-wrote it with some Aboriginal Elders, and it is a good rendtion of the reality of Australia and its origins. I only hope it gets taken on by the Australian Government with some hefty lobbying it might. The old former first line of 'we are young and free' is such an insult to the original Australians, there for for fifty thousand years, and also not free with so many in gaols, that it is imperative that it be changed.

I came away from the wonderful day's talks with some new perspectives about approaching suicide-talk and also some directions for when I eventually return to Oz, one day I don't know when.

The Tom Scott cartoon accurately rendering the slow wits of the Kiwi PM who, below, with the powerful Treasurer Bill English, are directing this teetering little country which is on the edge of following Australia down the gurgler.
The pinstripe is ruling the country...

Today was a quiet day at the Memphis with Tom hearing all my stories about yesterday with the utmost   patience. He also urged me to write to my good friend in London, Nick DeJongh, about whom I had a most vivid dream last night. So that, and emails to Peter and Malcolm is my afternoon work.

Tonight is a return to Kilbirnie Pool for a good swim work-out.

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