Thursday 25 February 2016

Festival Friday

Afte an extremely disappointing French offering last night in the name of 'Boomerang', where the name should have warned me it would be a pretentious pastiche of hidden family secrets coming back to haunt the siblings in a totally dysfunctional family - I nearly followed the woman who walked out in the row in front of me. I was hemmed in or I would have done it. The French have made some great movies but also some very awful ones of which this was a prime example.
At Circa Theatre it is Footnote Dance group which would warrant a visit as well. Do I have the time, and the financial resources to see everything? I think not...

But this is for later today, and it should be good.

Memphis is windy today, the door blowing shut in spite of the wedge, the wind always wins in Welly!

Simon Winchester is also 71, and is doing everything!!

President Putin...guilty again!

Tom comes in for a quick coffee, he is off ot Norsewood today and I tell him all my plans. Tomorrow at Hongoeka is my first appearance with Tiwhanawhana in a stage production and I am a tad nervous, but all will be OK, the Maori are totally supportive, always! With Tom, who is so very patient, I share my possible plans for travel in  2017, without giving away that it may be my last year in NZ, as when I turn 72, a change is in the air.

I know it is my mind talking, but also my circumstances. I move when the ECK says it is time but the possibilities for change must always be there, which in 2017,  there will be.
It is the year of big evolution in Aboriginal rights in Australia, perhaps a Constitution change as well, which will be be fascinating to be part of. My family would be very happy that I am nearer, and my time  in NZ, adding up to four years, will have taught me  so much which I hope will never be forgotten, as this country is so much in advance in many areas. It may be time to take what I have learned and move on, back to OZ but forward in my thinking and in what I am doing.

The ECK always needs me in OZ, but doesn't need me so much here. I love the climate, both physical and mental, but I could survive in Oz again, after all, I can still travel. I would of course have to get public housing which I have had before and is isn't so bad, possibly in Newcastle, a base which allows me to travel during the  hottest times and get away, to perhaps even Wellington! 
My Interfaith work here which has been minimal is not so important, and can be take over by someone else. I can continue dancing, pick up singing again, hopefully swim, and importantly do work with the Newcastle Aboriginal Support group which still exists I am sure. The canvas is rich with possibilities. And home may well beckon as it did last year until a certain person came along, but I will have spent four happy and productive years away in this cloudy and windy country.

Just back from 'Mediterranea', and the FFF is totally redeemed. If I don't see another good one, and I'm sure I will, this film will remain tops. Gripping, true, believable, superbly acted and directed, and so important to see, it is about the piteous state of African refugees trying to get into Europe today. 
Five stars.

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