Saturday 6 February 2016

Carmen Rupe - in lights.

Another hot day to ruminate on my future....there is no doubt the weather plays an important role in my life. Happily the hot days don't fall too consecutively here in Welly I am happy to say. Today though I was forced outside in Memphis as the interior was still and too hot. The first time ever.
Guy was chatting to his friend and I joined them for a minute. His friend confirmed my idea that Guy is Gay, but you can never tell. One day we will talk about it.
Good news for Cuba Street - Carmen Rupe is to be immortalsed in a flashing green Walk sign, a fitting tribute for a pioneer activist and super Trans-Woman.
The joy of Memphis....
I feel exactly the same way!
Kiri really misses her country, but her dogs are in UK!
What have I been saying about Maori films, they are among the best in the world and now the US is recognising them!

Tonight I may go to the Roxy at Miramar to see the Steve Jobs movie, after all, I am an Apple Man!

Guy glancing over....
Scots boys enjoying their Centenary at Parliament House...
With proud parents looking on, this is obviously a great College for boys.

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