Saturday 6 February 2016

Howell moves in.

January 31st Sunday

Today I am recovering from a wonderful Haka day but an awful facial sunburn. I am hoping I don't blister and peel like I did as a teenager. I will never be in Kiwi sun again without SunScreen!
At Zaida's for a Sunday coffee, it is a family affair and great coffee and croissants too. I found out today that Zaida is the name for Granddad.
This Topp twin is now single....
This man is amazing...
...John Bougen saved a town called Reefton  on the West Coast and is now their legend...
But I am wondering if this man in spite of everything, will become an American legend?  I certainly hope not?
Another amazing Kiwi lady editor in the fifties....
A gutsy woman...
Now older but overcoming cancer, what more can she do?

This afternoon I went to Te Papa to see the Taki Rua Maori theatre company do a most amazing show called 'Dog and Bone'. It is without doubt one the best pieces of theatre I have ever seen and should even tour UK one day I believe. At the Korero afterwards I had to get up and speak about it, how much I loved it and how it gave me goosebumps even before the show started. Marilyn was there with Welsh husband Harry, and they introduced me to the Director whose wife Helen wrote the play. He is very impressive and the whole Te Rākou company is superlative. All ages are acting, and when we arrived we were greeted by a bunch of dog/ humans who barked at us entering the theatre. It took a little time for them to resume their human form, and tell the true and sad story of the Maori wars whichwasn't just illuminating, but reconciling, and was wonderfully staged, lit and acted. 

It was a real tour de force, and in my opinion, an eventual masterpiece. They will do two more plays, and next January present them all on one day with lunch in between. What a thatrical event that will be and I will certainly be there to witness theatrical history.

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